
Live online results for cross country and track & field meets.

MeetPro is a track & field and cross country meet management application. MeetPro is an inexpensive and full-featured meet management solution designed to meet the needs of timers, meet directors, coaches, athletes and fans.

FinishLynx offers fully automatic timing (FAT) photo-finish systems with frame rates of 2,000 (or higher) frames per second (0.0005 sec resolution) for extremely accurate timing of track events.

Active IPICO offers RFID race timing systems that utilize shoe chips, floor mats and a reader. These are especially good for cross country races or other races that can have less than ideal conditions. is an event management and results database site used by high schools around the country for track & field and cross country events.

TFRSS is a collegiate event management and results database used for cross country and track & field events.